While school programing is designed for all students, some students require Special Education services to meet their learning needs.  Where learning needs are extraordinary, an Identification, Placement, and Review Committee meeting is scheduled to make decisions about identification and placement.

A student is considered to be “exceptional” when the learning needs of that student require ongoing Special Education assistance and, at times, changes to a student’s programming.  According to The Ministry of Education and Training, an exceptional student is determined as such, based on one of the following five areas:

  • Behaviour
  • Communication
  • Intellectual
  • Physical
  • Multiple (2 or more of the above)

The WRDSB provides a range of Special Education services for exceptional students.  Many continue to participate in their classroom settings while receiving Special Education services, while other students may require placements in a Special Education classroom.  The Ministry regulation governing IPRC’s ensures that the decisions of the IPRC will be reviewed at least once per school year in a scheduled IPRC review meeting unless waived by the parent(s).