Please note that there were a number of room changes to the Out of Class Exams.

Final Evaluation and Exam Schedules  have been distributed. Extra copies are available in the main office.

There is an expectation that students complete all parts of a course’s final evaluation. Vacations are not valid reasons to miss an exam. Students who do not complete or write the final exam do not take advantage of the opportunity to provide recent evidence to verify or confirm their consistent level of performance, at the end of a course. If a student does not provide some significant evidence in the form of a final exam or final evaluation components (e.g. assignment, lab, presentation, performance task, etc.), it may result in him/her attaining a reduced grade and/or failure based on the overall evidence as reflected in the term work and final evaluation components.

Students are responsible for ensuring they are present for all final evaluations/exams, and should carefully check the schedule to determine when their evaluations and exams will fall. Information about exam cancellations is available on the exam schedule booklet.