Fast Forward is a unique diploma granting program (OSSD) focusing on preparing students for the workplace. The program is designed to develop students’ literacy and numeracy skills in addition to their learning and employability skills necessary to be successful in a work environment. Students’ preparation for employment includes a variety of opportunities for work-related learning experiences including COOP and a Special High Skills Major option in the following sectors: Business, Sports, Hospitality, Non Profit and Transportation. Some Fast Forward students pursue post-secondary college options requiring workplace level English.


The Fast Forward Program meets the needs of a student who:
• Has struggled with literacy and numeracy for a significant period of time;
• Is academically 2-4 years out of phase;
• Has had significant accommodations or modifications to their elementary school program;
• Has an Individual Education Plan (IEP)


Students in the Fast Forward program benefit from the opportunity to:
• Earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
• Improve their reading, writing and mathematical skills and gain greater confidence as a learner
• Develop their learning skills and employability skills
• Participate in work-related learning experiences (e.g. Co-op, Career Days, Employment Fair, team-building activities , etc.)
• Through our Special High Skills Major Program (SHSM), earn certificates recognized by local employers (e.g. Customer Service, WHMIS, CPR, First Aid, etc.)


To make an application to the Fast Forward program, contact your current school’s guidance counsellor, special education resource teacher or administrator. For additional information, contact David Dirks, Head of Fast Forward 519-570-0003 X 5527.