For those students returning – Welcome Back! For those students joining us for the first time, welcome to the GRCI Renegade family!

As we gear up for another year, we wanted to share some important details about the first few days of school.

We will be starting the year off with a staggered start. This will be an opportunity for us to welcome our students with orientation activities and to review safety protocols and procedures. 

Tuesday September 7th – Only Grade 9, Grade 10 and all ACE students attend

We ask Grade 9 and 10 students to start the day by meeting on the sports fields at the back of the school. Staff and student leaders will have lists to direct students to their homeroom teacher on the field.

Wednesday September 8th – Only Grade 11, Grade 12 and all ACE students attend

We ask Grade 11 and 12 students to start the day by entering the school by using the main doors, the sliding doors, or the library doors and head to their homeroom class.

Thursday September 9th – All students attend

Lunch – Please bring a lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday. Students will not be allowed to leave the school for lunch and food services will not be operating. Students will eat lunch in their classrooms. 

ACE Students

Students attending ACE classrooms will begin their regular program on Sept. 7, 2021. Program teachers will provide further information.

Other Important Details

Cafeteria Services – Food services will not start until at least Oct 18th. 

Chromebooks – Will be distributed to in-class grade 9 and new students to our school on the first day in their homeroom class. Secondary Remote Learning Program Grade 9 students can pick up their Chromebook Wednesday Sept 1st and 2nd from 9am-3pm. Please knock on the window of the main office. 

Lockers – Will not be assigned during the first days of school. Please do not bring items that need to be placed in lockers.

LunchPlease bring a lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday. Students will not be able to leave the school during the lunch break on these dates.

School Tours – Grade 9 and 10 students will be given school tours on the first day.

Timetables – Will be distributed in homeroom classes on the first day. 

Water Bottles – We ask every student to bring a refillable water bottle. Drinking fountains will be closed but water bottle filling stations will be open.

GRCI Student Return to School FAQ Document