Welcome to Fast Forward at GRCI

Fast Forward is a unique diploma granting program (OSSD) focusing on preparing students for the workplace. The program is designed to develop students’ literacy and numeracy skills in addition to their learning and employability skills necessary to be successful in a work environment. Students’ preparation for employment includes a variety of opportunities for work-related learning experiences including COOP and a Special High Skills Major option in the following sectors: Business, Sports, Hospitality, Non Profit and Transportation. Some Fast Forward students pursue post-secondary college options requiring workplace level English while some take advantage of the free academic upgrading Conestoga College offers. 

The Fast Forward Program meets the needs of a student who:
• Has struggled with literacy and numeracy for a significant period of time;
• Is academically 2-4 years out of phase;
• Has had significant accommodations or modifications to their elementary school program;
• Has an Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Students in the Fast Forward program benefit from the opportunity to:
• Earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
• Improve their reading, writing and mathematical skills and gain greater confidence as a learner
• Develop their learning and employability skills
• Participate in work-related learning experiences (e.g. Co-op, Career Days, Employment Fair, team-building activities and optional SHSM Sector related activities.)
• Through our Special High Skills Major Program (SHSM), earn certificates recognized by local employers (e.g. Customer Service, WHMIS, CPR, First Aid, etc.)


To make an application to the Fast Forward program, contact your current school’s guidance counsellor, special education resource teacher or administrator. For additional information, contact David Dirks, Head of Fast Forward 519-570-0003 X 5527.

Grade 9 Core Compulsory

ENG1LI Essential English
MAT1LB Essential Math
SNC1LI Essential Science
GLS1OB Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School
CGC1WB Exploring Canadian Geography
PPL1OB Healthy Active Living Education (male)
PPL1OG Healthy Active Living Education (female)
PPL1OI Healthy Active Living Education (all-gender)

Grade 9  Elective Options

ALC1OB Integrated Arts
BEM1OB Building the Entrepreneurial Mind Set
TAS1OB Technology & the Skilled Trades

Grade 10 Core Compulsory

ENG2LI Essential English
MAT2LI Essential Math
SNC2LI Essential Science
CHC2LI Canadian History
CHV2OB Civics and Citizenship
GLC2OB Career Studies
HFN2OB Food and Nutrition           

Grade 10 Elective Options

ADA2OB Dramatic Arts
AMG2OI Music, Guitar
AMK2OI Music
AVI2OB Visual Arts
BEP2OB Launching & Leading a Business
PAF2OY Personal and Fitness Activities, Power Fit
PAF2OX Personal and Fitness Activities, Live Fit
PAI2OI Invasion Territory Ball Games
PAL2OI Hockey- Equipment Required
PPL2OI Healthy Active Living Education (all-gender)
PPL2OY Healthy Active Living Education (male)
PPL2OX Healthy Active Living Education (female)
TCJ2OB Construction Technology
TFJ2OB Hospitality and Tourism
TGJ2OI Communication Technology
THJ2OB Green Industries
TMJ2OB Manufacturing Technology

Grade 11 Core Compulsory

BMX3EI Marketing Retail & Service
OLC4OB Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course
MEL3EI Mathematics for Everyday Life

Grade 11 Elective Options

ADA3OI Drama
AWA3OI Crafts
AWQ3OI Photography
CGG3OI Travel & Tourism
CLU3EI Understanding Canadian Law
GPP3OI Peer Support
HLS3OI Housing and Home Design
HPC3OI Raising Healthy Children
PAF3OY Personal and Fitness Activities, Power Fit
PAF3OX Personal & Fitness Activities, Live Fit
PAI3OI Invasion Territory Ball Games
PAL3OI Hockey
PPL3OI Healthy Active Living Education (all-gender
PPL3OY Healthy Active Living Education (male)
PPL3OX Healthy Active Living Education (female)
SVN3EI Environmental Science
TCJ3EI Construction Technology
TDJ3OB Technological Design & the Environment
TFB3EI Baking
TFJ3EI Hospitality and Tourism
TMJ3EI Manufacturing Technology
TTJ3OB Transportation Technology
TWJ3EI Custom Woodworking

Grade 12 Core Compulsory

ENG4EI English
HIP4OI Adulting 101
GLN4OB Co-operative Education

Grade 12 Elective Options

CGR4EI Living in a Sustainable World
CHM4EI Adventures in World History
MEL4EI Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life
PPL4OI Healthy Active Living Education
PAF4OI Personal and Fitness Activities
TCJ4EI Construction Technology
TDJ4OB Technological Design in the Twenty-First Century
TFB4EI Baking
TFJ4EI Hospitality and Tourism
TMJ4EI Manufacturing Technology
TTJ4EB Transportation Technology
TWJ4EI Custom Woodworking