Locating, assessing and then utilizing suitable resources is an important step within the research process.  Before you simply “google” a search term, think about the qualities of a good resource.


Apply this simple acronym to your findings before you decide to use them:


CCurrency:how recently was the article/site published and do the links work?

RRelevancy:is the site suitable for your specific topic and age group?

A Authority: who is the sponsor of the site–.org, .edu, .net?

A Accuracy: is the language unbiased and free of errors?

PPurpose: is the site created for education, promotion or propaganda?


*Create a folder on your desktop or in Google Drive in which to save your electronic articles and URLs so you have easy access to them later.  This is extremely helpful for in-text citations and bibliography details.  Also, use Google Chrome as your browser.


Here are some quality websites and databases in which you will be able to locate useful information for this Summative assignment. 


Virtual Library→  library.wrdsb.ca


Scroll down to “Online Resources-Secondary”

Use these databases, which have already been approved by the school board.

*Science in Context

*Advance Placement Source

*Health and Wellness Resource Center

*Teen Health and Wellness

Public Health Agency of Canada www.phac-aspc.gc.ca
Health Canada www.hc-sc.gc.ca
World Health Organization www.who.int
Statistics Canada www.statcan.gc.ca
Harvard School of Public Health www.hsph.harvard.edu
Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics www/tufts.edu/med/apua
Skin Cancer Foundation www.canadianskincancerfoundation.com
Community and Hospital Infection Control Association (CHICA) www.ipac-canada.org
Medical Marijuana medicalmarijuana.ca
Mayo Clinic www.mayoclinic.org
Problem Gambling Institute of Canada www.problemgambling.ca
United Nations-Global Issues http://www.un.org/en/globalissues/population/
Centre For Mental Health and Addiction www.camh.org
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention www.cdc.gov
Government of Canada www.parl.gc.ca
Canadian Medical Association Journal www.cmaj.ca
New Scientist Journal www.newscientist.com
Region of Waterloo Public Health chd.region.waterloo.on.ca
Supervised Injection Sites supervisedinjection.vch.ca
Averting HIV and AIDS www.avert.org
Obesity Network www.obesitynetwork.ca
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada www.aadnc-aandc.gc.a