This year, GRCI has determined that Grade 11 and 12 students who have not yet been successful on the OSSLT will write the test on the mornings of November 27th and 28th from 8:30 am to 10:45 am.  Details about the location for each student will be communicated to individual students closer to the test dates.  

Grade 10 students will write the OSSLT April 7th and 8th from 8:30 am to 10:45 am.  

Preparatory materials for GRCI students will be provided via D2L.  Students will be notified via their classroom teachers when their access to these training modules becomes available.

In addition to the D2L materials available to GRCI students, the following presentations/activities can be used any time and by any student to prepare for the OSSLT:

OSSLT Overview

How to Use the Test Technology

Main Idea

Making Inferences

Multiple Choice Questions

Open Response Questions

Opinion Essay

Practice Test Online

Students from private schools – or those who are learning solely from home – who wish to write the OSSLT, please contact Dollie Butticci (VP) at  Any questions regarding the test administration at GRCI can also be directed to Dollie Butticci.