This week is Social Worker Week! –  Watch and listen to GRCI’s very own Social Worker speak about how to support your child who may be experiencing Anxiety.


Anxiety: How Can You Support Your Child


Anxiety is an emotion that people often try to avoid, but it is a normal reaction that can help us perform and keep us safe. Anxiety becomes problematic however when it starts to become overwhelming and impacts one’s ability to complete daily tasks. Anxiety Disorders are one of the most common mental health challenges among children and youth, believed to impact 1 in 5. Knowing how to support your child/youth who is experiencing anxiety is particularly challenging for parents. If you are looking for more information about anxiety, how it impacts the brain and the body, the signs that anxiety may be problematic and/or how best to support your anxious child/teen then please click the link below to watch the video presentation “Anxiety: How You Can Support Your Child”.