Welcome to GRCI Science!
Our Grade 9 and 10 science courses offer students an opportunity to explore introductory topics in different aspects of chemistry, biology, physics as well as earth and space science. After grade 10 students have the opportunity to specialize in different fields of science with full courses in chemistry, biology, physics, earth and space science, environmental science as well as medical science. We offer courses at the university level as well as the college level in our senior level courses so if you are interested in science, we have a course for you!
Grade 9
SNC1WI Science, De-streamed
Grade 10
SNC2DI Science, Academic
Grade 11
SBI3CI Biology, College
SBI3UI Biology, University
SCH3UI Chemistry, University
SPH3UI Physics, University
SVN3EI Science, Workplace
Grade 12
SBI4UI Biology, University
SCH4CI Chemistry, College
SCH4UI Chemistry, University
SES4UI Earth and Space Science, University Dual Credit
SNC4MI Science (Medical), University/College
SPH4CI Physics, College
SPH4UI Physics, University