Welcome to GRCI’s English Department

GRCI’s English program focuses on developing the core critical thinking and literacy skills that are necessary for students to navigate the complexities of 21st century living. Following the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum, students will be exposed to a variety of styles of texts and voices, and will learn how to use these texts to broaden their own perspectives on the world and their place in it. As well, they will develop an awareness of their own voice and the significance of their experiences as learners. 

Students will take one English course over their four years of high school. In grades 9 and 10, classes are destreamed, and in grades 11 and 12 students will select between College and  University streams. The grade 11 course has, as part of our Board’s investment in the process of Truth and Reconciliation, a focus on Indigenous, Metis, and Inuit texts.
Optional extra courses include grade 12 Screen Education, and grade 12 Writer’s Craft.
Additionally, we offer a Fast Forward locally developed English program in Grades 9 and 10. These courses support learners in literacy gains with a focus on reading and writing skills.

Grade 9

ENG1LI Essential English, Fast Forward
ENL1WI English, De-streamed

Grade 10

ENG2LI Essential English, Fast Forward
ENG2DI English, Academic

Grade 11

ENG3EI English, Workplace
NBE3CI Contemporary Indigenous Voices, College
NBE3UI English: Contemporary Aboriginal Voices, University 

Grade 12

ENG4CI English, College
ENG4EI English, Workplace
ENG4UI English, University
ETS4CI Studies in Literature, Screen Education, College
EWC4CI Writer’s Craft, College
EWC4UI Writer’s Craft, University
OLC4OB Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Fast Forward
OLC4OI Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Open