Financing your post-secondary education can be challenging.  The following three areas can assist you:

1. Scholarships– Scholarships are designated amounts of money awarded to a student based on their academic achievement, volunteerism and/or community leadership.  This money does not need to be repaid.  Some scholarships are for multiple years and require the student to maintain a certain academic average. Click on the following links for a list of scholarships.

Waterloo Region Scholarships   

Free Scholarship Guide

Scholar Tree

Also, there are various scholarships offered through universities and colleges.  Visit the institutions website to see what they offer.

Conestoga College

Fanshawe College

Mohawk College

Wilfrid Laurier University

University of Waterloo

University of Guelph

2. Bursaries– Bursaries are grants given to students based on financial need.  This money does not need to be repaid and is often a one-time financial gift.  Government bursaries are accessed by those students that fill in an application for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program).  The Ontario Government is currently offering a 30% reduction in tuition for eligible students.  Click on for details.

3. Financial Aid (OSAP)– The Ontario Student Assistance Program is Ontario’s flagship student support program, offering a mix of grants and loans to thousands of students each year.  The loans must be repaid after a designated grace period following the conclusion of the students certificate, diploma or degree.  Click on for eligibility information.

Use the OSAP Calculator to get a quick estimate of what you would be eligible to receive.


Students are also encouraged to join Google Classroom – Guidance (password: ngxnjo) to received information and updates as they are available.