Welcome to the Music Department

The Music Department is a community of student musicians who share a common love of making music and a desire to be involved in the life of the school and wider community.

Grade 9

AMI1OI Instrumental Music: Band (experienced), Open
AMI1OX Instrumental Music: Band (beginner), Open
AMS1OI Instrumental Music: Strings (experienced), Open
AMS1OX Instrumental Music: Strings (beginner),Open

Grade 10

AMG2OI Guitar Music, Open
AMI2OI Instrumental Music: Band, Open
AMK2OI Keyboard Music, Open
AMS2OI Instrumental Music: Strings, Open
AMV2OI Music: Vocal, Open

Grade 11

AMG3OI Guitar Music, Open
AMI3MI Instrumental Music, University/College
AMK3OI Keyboard Music, Open
AMS3MI Instrumental Music: Strings, University/College
AMV3MI Music: Vocal, University/College

Grade 12

AMI4MI Instrumental Music, University/College
AMS4MI Instrumental Music: Strings, University/College
AMV4MI Music: Vocal, University/College


  • Involvement Opportunities – small and large Music ensembles for instruments and voices
  • Leadership Opportunities  – planning events, organizing small ensembles, creating programs and posters, mentoring younger players.
  • Social Opportunities – music camps, trips, performances

Ways to Get Involved

  • For Band Instruments – Concert Band, Honour Band, Senior Jazz Band, Small Ensembles
  • For String Instruments – Junior String Orchestra, Senior String Orchestra, Quartets
  • For Voices – Concert Choir

Strings Magnet

The strings magnet program is a WRDSB recognized magnet program, which means qualified students within and outside the GRCI boundary are eligible to enter the program.
Instrumental strings is a program that focuses on the development of a broad range of musical skills for students with a particular interest in instrumental string music.  The GRCI music program includes many extra-curricular groups and small ensembles including two string orchestras and a full symphony orchestra.  Students participate in off-campus events and performances throughout the year.  Each year students are also given the opportunity to participate in 2 off-site music camps that builds both skills and a strong sense of community.  Please note that students attending Instrumental Strings from areas outside of their designated home school boundary are responsible for their own transportation.