Register Now for the PIC Family Event!

Registration is now open for the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) Family Event ‘Building Skills to Navigate the School Years’, April 18, 2015, Bluevale Collegiate Institute. This FREE event is open to parents, guardians and the community. Keynote speaker, Lesley Andrews, will share with us her inspiring story of ‘overcoming the odds’ to follow her passion […]

New Pilot Funding Initiative for Schools

The Waterloo Region District school board has partnered with My Class Needs, a not-for-profit foundation associated with Curriculum Services Canada, to offer a unique opportunity to support classroom teachers in securing additional resources to support student learning, well-being and achievement. The program provides grants for materials/services up to a maximum of $750 per class. To qualify, […]

It’s course selection time!!!!

Course selections are due Thursday, Feb 12th. Click on MyWay to proceed. If you have any questions, help is available in Room T108 during lunch, Feb 9 to 12th.

School Council Meeting

Our next school council meeting is Wednesday, May 13, 2015. All GRCI parents are welcome to attend GRCI School Council Meetings held in the KPL Community Room beginning at 7 p.m. Please use the KPL entrance. A list of future meeting dates and futher details about School Council can be found on the school website under […]

2014-2015 Regular Day Schedule

Here is the link to the new school start times and schedule.

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