We are excited to begin Semester 2 with students back at school for a 4 period day. Students will receive their Semester 2 timetable in their homeroom class. Homeroom lists for Semester 2 will be posted in multiple spots around the school for students to find their names. School staff will meet students at the doors of the school to help them find the homeroom lists and other staff will support students to assist them in finding their classrooms. When students arrive on Feb 3rd they will look for their name on the homeroom lists then go directly to their 1st period class. (homeroom = 1st period class) Students should speak to an adult if they are having difficulty finding their name or their classroom.

Please note: any student with a NoHrm-2 listed as their homeroom on the homeroom list should come to the main office to pick up their schedules.

GRCI Administration