For some students to develop and reach their full potential, an alternative program to the Ontario curriculum with an alternative plan for graduation may be required. The Alternative Continuum of Education (ACE) program meets the needs of exceptional students who require an alternative program at the secondary levels.

The ACE program is a non-credit program leading to a Certificate of Accomplishment. As an alternative to Ontario curriculum, the program does not lead to an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

Within the ACE program, students will receive:

  • A small ratio setting
  • Alternative curriculum (with a functional skills focus)
  • Alternative Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • Alternative Program Report Card

An IEP is developed to align with each individual student’s academic, personal, social and transitional needs. A focus on functional skills instruction is embedded in the alternative curriculum to promote students’ quality of life as they prepare to enter the adult community.